Knights of Columbus
The Knights of Columbus is a fraternal organization of men united to promote Catholic values through acts of charity, devotion and service. The Knights have a special interest in celebrating family life and friendship, helping members and families be more effective Catholics, and helping those who are less fortunate. Membership is open to men who are practicing Catholics and wish to contribute their special skills and talents to the service of others. Major events sponsored by the local council are Lenten Fish Fries, St Paul Flapjack 5K, Park N’ Cruise, St Paul Block Party, Tootsie Roll Drive, Veterans Day School Breakfast. The Knights of Columbus meet the first Tuesday of the month at 7:30 p.m. in the Meeting room at 348 W. Washington St.
Knights of Columbus Hoop Shoot-St. Paul Gym Jan 12
Ages 9-14-boys and girls- as of Jan 1, 2025
Register at 11:30-New time!
Shoot at Noon-New time!
This event is free!
Contact David Looman if questions